
Neil Castles

Neil Castles

Charlotte NC, USA

6 (1955)
11 (1955)
8 (1955)
USA8 (1955)
USA95 (1955)

Full name Henry Neil Castles. Known as Soapy. A NASCAR driver in the USA, he raced in England as part of the USA team that visited in 1955.

The programmes for Liverpool on 13th May 1955 and Norwich on 21st May 1955 list Doug Castles as a member of the USA team. In The Story Of Stock Car Racing 1955, the meeting report for Liverpool says that the runner-up was an unknown Australian driving Neil Castles' car.

Speaking to Steve Daily in February 2021, Neil confirmed that it was indeed him driving those days, and had no idea why he'd been listed as Doug. As for the Australian, he thinks the reporter must have been confused by his Carolina accent.

NASCAR Grand National East Series Champion
Neil in England, 1955.
Neil in England, 1955.
Neil's biography.
Neil's biography.